Monday, November 19, 2007

"I will kill your monster"

Always looking for more ways to immerse ourselves in the Thai culture, Meg and I debated over how best to accomplish just that. While Meg thought it'd be a good idea to check out some shrines so we could learn more about Buddhism and how it influences the day-to-day lives of the people, I convinced her that an even better way to do this was to take in the IMAX theatre. Perhaps I left out a few details on what the movie was about, she thoroughly enjoyed the concept of the 3D glasses...until about 5 minutes into the film, at which point she claimed she was going to have nightmares. So, now that it's all said and done - I'm referring to the movie, not our relationship - I apparently owe her 5 click-flicks.

PS. Jon & Sabrina, ask and thou shalt receive, I'll be sure to get a picture of me in a're gonna love it.

PPS. Last night, it finally rained for the first time since we got here 2 weeks ago.

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