Thursday, November 15, 2007

Christmas at Starbucks

So anybody who is a Starbucks junkie like me will tell you that the arrival of the red holiday cups marks the official start of the Christmas season. I'm happy to report that here in Bangkok the 72 different Starbucks locations are full of red cups and Peppermint Holiday Drinks! There's Christmas music in the stores and snowflakes in the windows...the only difference is that instead of pictures of happy people in scarves and mittens enjoying a blustery winter day, the ads show happy people dressed in shorts and t-shirts biking along in the sunny weather. So much for mom's assurance that I won't even notice it's Christmas and therefore won't miss it ;)

On a similar note: the stores here are actually selling jackets and sweaters and scarves! I always thought it was just Newfoundland that received seasonal clothes completely inappropriate for the weather, but I guess it happens everywhere!

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