Monday, October 13, 2008

Motorcycle Diaries

Though my motorcycle adventure wasn't quite as extensive or life-changing as the biographical film "Motorcycle Diaries" about Che Guevara, it was nonetheless blog worthy.

Despite being extremely dangerous, there is definitely no faster way to get around Bangkok than taking a motorcycle taxi. While all the suckers wait for hours in their cars and tuk-tuks in horrible traffic jams, a motorcycle taxi weaves in and out, violating just about every traffic and safety law to ensure you get to your destination quickly. Though hazardous, Meg and I will sometimes take the motorcycles to go short distances.

Today, I jumped aboard and headed off to the Thai Immigration Bureau. As we neared our destination, a policeman standing outside a police station waved us over to the curb where he was already in the process of issuing a ticket to another motorcyclist. Our offense? I think it was because I wasn't wearing a helmet which a driver is required to provide and ensure the passenger wears. The policeman handed a ticket to the other motorcyclist who, upon seeing the fine, tried desperately to give it back, pleading that it was too much (please note that all dialogue occurred in Thai and this is my interpretation of what happened). Meanwhile, the policeman began issuing our ticket, attempting to ignore the other driver. At this point, a crowd had begun to take notice of our situation and gather - I was feeling ever-more uncomfortable. This did not stop the other driver from taking out his wallet and trying to bribe the front of the front of the police station. I could see the policeman was getting annoyed now as he firmly dismissed the other driver who slowly retreated to his motorcycle, mumbling under his breath.

Then it happened. The driver just couldn't let it go and probably made some vulgar comment about the cop's mother. I guess I'll never know what was said but the policeman reacted swiftly, grabbing the driver by the neck and literally dragging him into the police station. My driver and I kinda looked at each other and shrugged, glad to no longer be the center of attention, we took off.

P.S. If anyone tells Mom that I wasn't wearing a helmet on a motorcycle, I will vehemently deny it. :)


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