Saturday, September 20, 2008

I've gotta work on my triple axel landing

To our great surprise, there are a couple of ice skating rinks in Bangkok. Meg and I have been wanting to check one out awhile so today we finally packed our woolen socks and set off. We went to Esplanade Mall where the Sub-Zero Ice Skate Club is located (

The size of the rink was our first disappointment and the fact that it was crowded did not help matters. Some of the rinks we've made in our backyards were almost as big (Justin, Jamie, and I have even made some that were bigger). Also, there was a couple centimeters of water on the ice. Nonetheless, we haven't had the luxury of skating since April '07, so we decided to give it a shot.

The next hurdle was renting skates. The only skates they had that were big enough to fit us were figure skates. So, for the first time in my life, I donned a pair. The word "uncomfortable" was an understatement. They looked and felt like someone took a brightly colored sock and attached a blade to the bottom.

I managed to pitifully shuffle around the rink three times before I had to retire. Oh well, I suppose I could buy a decent pair of hockey skates but it doesn't seem worth it, especially if I can't get out for a game of hockey. That will have to wait until I go home in December. :)

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