Tuesday, September 9, 2008


There's a flood happening right outside our window! Ok, it's not the "stock up on bottled water, canned food and then evacuate" kind of flood. But still, the streets are FULL of water.

I heard the thunder storm happening while at work. Now that it's the rainy season it usually rains really hard for at least 30 minutes each day. This is generally accompanied by the loudest thunder I've ever heard and wild, crazy lighting! It's quite a lot of fun while sitting at home comfortably in your pjs. Not so much fun while at work wondering how your going to get home. It's like the tropical version of a blizzard.

Thankfully I have a wonderful, chivalrous boyfriend ;) I attempted the walk back home on my own. The rain had lightened up a lot and I had an umbrella. But when I got to the first place where I had to cross a street I realized I was screwed. The water had flooded all the streets right up to the sidewalk. And clearly there was no WAY I was wading through that - forget about my leather sandals - there could have been any number of scary rodents/slithery things in there! When I called Sean wondering what I was going to do he said he'd come get me and bring flip flops. Yay! Better yet, when he arrived he offered to piggyback me across the deep parts - to the cheers of a group of people in a passing tuk tuk. Sweeeeet ;)

Next time I'll get some pictures - i'm sure this won't be the last bout of crazy rain.

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