Monday, March 17, 2008


Ok, I have no idea how the Thais do it (or anyone else who subjects themselves to playing sports in 35°C heat, for that matter)! For the last month or so, I have been playing outdoor futsal every Sunday afternoon. It's ridiculously hot and quickly saps the energy from you but the Thais don't seem to mind nearly as much. I might have to try playing with one of those hydration backpacks so I can constantly drink water as I'm playing.

I didn't think it could get any hotter...until I went looking for somewhere to play basketball Saturday morning. 9am I set off to Lumpini Park where I was sure I'd be able to find a court. Sure enough, it didn't take me long to track one down. There were already 15 or more people at the outdoor court playing pickup. They quickly asked me to sub in. Brutal! Even in the morning, it was about 30°C. By 10am, everyone was calling it quits. Turns out they start playing 7am on Sat and Sun because by 9am it's just too hot. Once again, the hydration pack doesn't seem like such a crazy idea.

March is the beginning of the "hot season" but temperatures are expected to rise even more in April. I might have to dust off my ping pong paddle and retreat indoors....

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