Monday, January 21, 2008

Mango with gelatinous rice!

We just got back from grocery shopping and I bought a yummy treat that I feel compelled to share with you all! It is my latest favorite Thai discovery, and yes, it involves food!

A couple of weeks ago we had dinner with Angus and Oh and as always, we let them do the choosing and ordering. It's a fantastic way to get the best dishes and to try new things (somehow I don't think the term "pork with rice" has been properly's used for pretty much every dish that has pork and rice in the ingredient list. The Thai title must be much more descriptive and appetizing, right?). So anyway, on this occasion Angus ordered Mango with Gelatinous Rice for dessert. See what I mean about the lack of excitment that term incites? But despite our questioning about what exactly "gelatinous rice" is (I still don't really know) the dessert turned out to be FAB! Since then, everytime I see it (which is actually quite often...) I have to pick some up. YUM. It's basically some sort of fancy rice with coconut milk on top and you eat it with yummy mango. Here's a's all gone now ;)

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